Wednesday, June 3, 2009

in physics.

Steven: "hello, im like a rubix cube, the more you play with me the harder i get."

in physics i sit at the back table with Devi, Steven, and Kingsley. Its only fun becouse we do not usually do the things we are suppsoe to do. As im writing this write now im in physics. im on the computer while steven is singing to we will rock you. Everyday is somethign different. Like today we but a pen on our top lip and pretended to be italian peter on family guy. Devi was also hitting steven across the back just for the fun of it. Devi also put the mirror infront o stevens face and he got scared? ( his reflection maybe?) The best part of today was when steven came in late. He sat downa and told us what happent to him yesturday.

Yesturday: Steven and I were playing soccer in gym. He had the balll so i decided to take it away from him. "Accidently" i took the ball away from hima nd tripped him. He fell on his ankle. Becouse his ankle sftill hurt after school, he was limping home. It was raining real hard and he was limping home. A lady in a car saw him and just started to laugh at the fact that he was limping.

Today: When he told us the story..... we laughed at him.


Its almost homeroom and we still have not done anything !

Steven: "i hide in my backyard when my parents try to take me to get a haircut. Then they tell me that were going to burgerking. I never went to Burgerking !"

Sunday, May 31, 2009

life sucks.

in a weird way life sucks.
you know when they say you have to live up to what you can do or whatever that saying is. im feeling as if i could if i was able too. i am definitely living a lie. and lets face it, i am a really good lier. and to my friends i can be a real bitch. but im a nice person. i cant spell and i know im writing these sentences wrong but its late and i just need to say this. i am a spoiled, bitchy, generous, lying, sneaky, greedy, warm hearted, unemotional trainwreck. and i do not know what to do.

im not sure baout anything. and thats the truth.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

something amazing.

So i went on youtube like i do every other day and i found this amazing thing. Everyone talks about how good the world should start helping the people that need help. Well the truth is not everyone does that. One thing we should all do is check out this youtube channel:

I am so shocked that there is someone out there that actually wants to help the world. Plus they found the easiest ad best way to help out. All anyone has to do is watch the videos. This youtube channel gets payed by youtube per view and the money made goes to charities. It is an amazing program and everyone should check it out and help.

Thanks :D

Friday, March 20, 2009


there are different types of couples. You have the couple that are completely in love and cant get enough of each other. Then you have the couple that just fight all the time but are still together. Next you have the couple that are on and off for ever !

Sometimes it is cute seeing too people who like each other be together. But sometimes it is just too much. No one wants to see you make love in the middle of the street or hallway. Get a room much? Keep your "feelings" for each other when you are at home or at least alone. every one knows you two love each other but we do not need to see how much.

When you find a couple who argue all the time and can still stand being together then you know they must really like each other. Why would you stay with someone that you argue about everything with. Deep down inside you know that you care about them. So what is the point of fighting ? make up and be happy for a week.

The on and off couples are not rare at all. Many couples are on and off. This just means that they are not ready to be committed. If you keep going back to the same person then maybe you should be wit that one person. Talk though your problems and solve it ! that is what a relationship is. You are together through thick and thin.

the one thing i can not stand is that one couple that isolates themselves from everyone else. They might not be isolated a lot but they slowly do it. They will stop hanging out with their own friends by themselves. When you in a relationship it does not have to be both of you all the time. You guys can do different things with different people. Sure you should tell your significant other what is in your mind but don't you think you need other friends as well?


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


After school we all wonder what shall we do now? well not as proper and maybe some of us have plans. Well after swim season i dont have anything to do. I walk around the school and yet there is nothing that fascinates me. As i am writing this at 4:30 pm 3/10/09, i am in a physics class. Why am i here? i really do not know. I have nothing better to do and i have already gone to drama club meeting. Go home? nah. i have to take the bus to wilson and go to spanish school. i realized that i should spend my time here, doing some work, and expanding my educational needs. After all isnt that what we all should be doing while we are young? Well as a teenage girl i am more interested in the baseball and volleyball team finishing practice and me still being here so that i can "accidentally" run into one of them. So what is the point of staying after school? in my opinion i love school and being here after school rather then during school. After school you have more freedom and can walk around and become more social with the teachers rather then during school. Teachers also seem nicer : ) For now i will continue staying after school walking around the halls being bored or just wait for the baseball and volleyball team to finish practice ;) PLUS who wants to go home and be nagged :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

rock papper?

i just thought this was funny :D

Sunday, March 1, 2009


things to do when you are totally bored !

- what not to do
*what to do
:) angel way of doing things


-never ever keep checking the time...seriously its still going to be the same thing if you check every five seconds. plus the teacher sometimes catches you
*instead start drawing on a note book. this way it looks like your taking notes and you have fun and time passes by faster.
:) or you can actually take notes so your concentrated on what is going on and pass the pop quiz

-never fall a sleep in class
* pay attention to the teacher but daydream while your looking at her. make sure not to stare at your teacher for too long or your just going to seem weird.
:) or you can participate in class so that you are awake and in the lesson for the day


-never make it seem like you are doing nothing. if your parents are home they will find something for you to do.
*talk about a project you have to do so that when they ask you tell them your doing that project this way you can do whatever you want and just relax
:) or you can actually help around the house and study for school

-do not just sit down and watch tv. that is extremely boring !
*listen to music

my problem right now is that i am totally bored.i started this post yesterday and now i have to finish it today. i cant think of what to do because i am that bored. after a fun day i am home. i know i have homework to do but i dont feel like doing it. so my conclusion to this bored post is that when your bored just sleep or watch a movie or youtube stuff :) i am going to do that right now. watch shopaholic.